Appointment of Policy and Security Manager

Headline Date 29-04-2015

Ruth Duston, Chief Executive, Victoria BID, is pleased to announce the appointment of Chris Tsikolis in the new role of Policy and Security Manager. Formerly Victoria BID Policy & Resources Advisor, Chris will take up his post immediately to ensure a smooth transition delivering the Safe and Secure programme. With extensive security and corporate experience, Chris will be the Victoria BID point of contact liaising closely with the Metropolitan Police Service, British Transport Police, local charities and business partners.

In February 2015, the businesses in London Victoria voted for the renewal of the Victoria Business Improvement District (BID) for a second five year term from 2015-2020 with a resounding 85% yes vote in the renewal ballot administered by Westminster City Council. One of Chris’s first tasks will be overseeing the Safe and Secure Steering Group which involves local levy-paying businesses in BID activity.

Ruth said: “Inspector Karl Rogers carved out a unique role at the Victoria BID over three years as Business Policing Manager seconded from the MPS in a one-off role that enabled the Victoria BID to build effective relationships with the MPS, BTP and security services that will continue as we enter the Victoria BID’s second term to 2020.  As Policy & Resources Advisor Chris has contributed to developing the Victoria BID’s business strategy and will build on this work to deliver projects that will further enhance the Victoria BID’s safety and security.”

Chris Tsikolis biography: Chris joined the Victoria BID in February 2013 as Policy & Resources Advisor. He previously held roles in the Department of Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) as Research & Policy Analyst; at the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence as a Researcher and Security Policy Analyst and in the Greek Defence Industry as a Project Manager.

Chris has an MA degree in International Security from Lancaster University and a BA in Politics & International Relations from the National University of Athens. He is the author of Dominance Over Omni-Dimensional Battlespace.  He has a Maritime Security Certificate and has served in the Greek Armed Forces as a Sergeant (Military Police) trained in Military Intelligence Acquisition.

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Chris Tsikolis
Policy & Security Manager

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